Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Copyright Infringement

Copyright Learning Team Weekly Reflection LAW/421 Learning Team D Weekly Reflection Week three focused on copyright infringement, and the legal issues in cyberspace associated with copyright laws. Copyright infringement can be classified into three theories; direct, indirect, and vicarious. Direct is the most obvious form because the copyright owner can prove legal ownership of the work in question and that the infringer copied the work without permission. A facilitator in indirect theory of copyright infringement is liable for damages.The copyright owner must identify the direct infringer, and the facilitator must have knowledge of the infringement. The copyright infringement case against Napster was a landmark case that forced Napster, once a free subscription service, to re-emerge as a paid subscription service. This case changed the way music was bought. Contributory infringement was used against Napster to force them to shut down and change their business model. Understanding th e defense to infringement claims, specifically fair use can be complex. Fair use is the most common defense of copyright infringement.Under the fair use defense, some infringement is permitted if the device can be used in a significant non-infringing way, such as a VCR. With the digital age and the growth of the Internet applying the copyright law has become more difficult for the courts. Photography, music, and software are the biggest areas affected by copyright infringement and issues dealing with cyberspace. Formats such as MP3 have made it easier for infringers’ to record audio and data files much faster than before, which can make it harder to catch the infringer or facilitators.Software has also become increasingly popular for unauthorized duplication. iTunes has stepped up to adhere to the laws protecting copyright by implementing safeguards to prevent illegal downloads. Digital photography and social networking have opened up new dimensions of copyright infringement issues for photographers. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has made strides in protecting copyright holders in the digital age by holding third parties responsible and going after parties that illegally download copyrighted aterial. Given that technology is proceeding at a lightning pace, one can only imagine how the music and movie industries are grappling with keeping as much as the profits as possible from their creative works. Although challenging for lawmakers, the advancement of technology in recent years has led to the culmination of new laws and precedent in protection of intellectual property. The Computer Software Copyright Act of 1980 afforded protection to computer software programs.Since then, appellate courts have suggested patents instead of copyrights provide the most appropriate form of intellectual property protection. Copyright infringement and protection is an important issue for all businesses small and large. Most large businesses started out as small busin esses that had a good idea that changed everything. Many small businesses don’t own patents or copyrights, but as information becomes more and more valuable parts of businesses they are becoming more of a concern. The most valuable part of most companies is their intellectual property.The franchisor must give full disclosure and details that relate to any part of the franchise or company in question under certain terms and conditions. It’s also important to remember to check and see whether the franchiser has established another franchisee or any other promissory agreements. Patent and Trademark lawyers are familiar in these matters and should be consulted upon buying a company with valuable information or if your own company or if patents and copyrights get involved (Steingold, 2005).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cover Note Essay

â€Å"The Relation of Science and Religion† is a transcript of a talk given by Dr. Feynman at the Caltech YMCA Lunch Forum on May 2, 1956. In this age of specialization men who thoroughly know one field are often incompetent to discuss another. The great problems of the relations between one and another aspect of human activity have for this reason been discussed less and less in public. When we look at the past great debates on these subjects we feel jealous of those times, for we should have liked the excitement of such argument. The old problems, such as the relation of science and religion, are still with us, and I believe present as difficult dilemmas as ever, but they are not often publicly discussed because of the limitations of specialization. But I have been interested in this problem for a long time and would like to discuss it. In view of my very evident lack of knowledge and understanding of religion (a lack which will grow more apparent as we proceed), I will organize the discussion in this way: I will suppose that not one man but a group of men are discussing the problem, that the group consists of specialists in many fields – the various sciences, the various religions and so on – and that we are going to discuss the problem from various sides, like a panel. Each is to give his point of view, which may be molded and modified by the later discussion. Further, I imagine that someone has been chosen by lot to be the first to present his views, and I am he so chosen. I would start by presenting the panel with a problem: A young man, brought up in a religious family, studies a science, and as a result he comes to doubt – and perhaps later to disbelieve in – his father’s God. Now, this is not an isolated example; it happens time and time again. Although I have no statistics on this, I believe that many scientists – in fact, I actually believe that more than half of the scientists – really disbelieve in their father’s God; that is, they don’t believe in a God in a conventional sense. Now, since the belief in a God is a central feature of religion, this problem that I have selected points up most strongly the problem of the relation of science and religion. Why does this young man come to disbelieve? The first answer we might hear is very simple: You see, he is taught by scientists, and (as I have just pointed out) they are all atheists at heart, so the evil is spread from one to another. But if you can entertain this view, I think you know less of science than I know of religion. Another answer may be that a little knowledge is dangerous; this young man has learned a little bit and thinks he knows it all, but soon he will grow out of this sophomoric sophistication and come to realize that the world is more complicated, and he will begin again to understand that there must be a God. I don’t think it is necessary that he come out of it. There are many scientists – men who hope to call themselves mature – who still don’t believe in God. In fact, as I would like to explain later, the answer is not that the young man thinks he knows it all – it is the exact opposite. A third answer you might get is that this young man really doesn’t understand science correctly. I do not believe that science can disprove the existence of God; I think that is impossible. And if it is impossible, is not a belief in science and in a God – an ordinary God of religion — a consistent possibility? Yes, it is consistent. Despite the fact that I said that more than half of the scientists don’t believe in God, many scientists do believe in both science and God, in a perfectly consistent way. But this consistency, although possible, is not easy to attain, and I would like to try to discuss two things: Why it is not easy to attain, and whether it is worth attempting to attain it. When I say â€Å"believe in God,† of course, it is always a puzzle – what is God? What I mean is the kind of personal God, characteristic of the western religions, to whom you pray and who has something to do with creating the universe and guiding you in morals. For the student, when he learns about science, there are two sources of difficulty in trying to weld science and religion together. The first source of difficulty is this – that it is imperative in science to doubt; it is absolutely necessary, for progress in science, to have uncertainty as a fundamental part of your inner nature. To make progress in understanding we must remain modest and allow that we do not know. Nothing is certain or proved beyond all doubt. You investigate for curiosity, because it is unknown, not because you know the answer. And as you develop more information in the sciences, it is not that you are finding out the truth, but that you are finding out that this or that is more or less likely. That is, if we investigate further, we find that the statements of science are not of what is true and what is not true, but statements of what is known to different degrees of certainty: â€Å"It is very much more likely that so and so is true than that it is not true;† or â€Å"such and such is almost certain but there is still a little bit of doubt;† or – at the other extreme – â€Å"well, we really don’t know. † Every one of the concepts of science is on a scale graduated somewhere between, but at neither end of, absolute falsity or absolute truth. It is necessary, I believe, to accept this idea, not only for science, but also for other things; it is of great value to acknowledge ignorance. It is a fact that when we make decisions in our life we don’t necessarily know that we are making them correctly; we only think that we are doing the best we can – and that is what we should do. Attitude of uncertainty I think that when we know that we actually do live in uncertainty, then we ought to admit it; it is of great value to realize that we do not know the answers to different questions. This attitude of mind – this attitude of uncertainty – is vital to the scientist, and it is this attitude of mind which the student must first acquire. It becomes a habit of thought. Once acquired, one cannot retreat from it any more. What happens, then, is that the young man begins to doubt everything because he cannot have it as absolute truth. So the question changes a little bit from â€Å"Is there a God? † to â€Å"How sure is it that there is a God? † This very subtle change is a great stroke and represents a parting of the ways between science and religion. I do not believe a real scientist can ever believe in the same way again. Although there are scientists who believe in God, I do not believe that they think of God in the same way as religious people do. If they are consistent with their science, I think that they say something like this to themselves: â€Å"I am almost certain there is a God. The doubt is very small. † That is quite different from saying, â€Å"I know that there is a God. † I do not believe that a scientist can ever obtain that view – that really religious understanding, that real knowledge that there is a God – that absolute certainty which religious people have. Of course this process of doubt does not always start by attacking the question of the existence of God. Usually special tenets, such as the question of an afterlife, or details of the religious doctrine, such as details of Christ’s life, come under scrutiny first. It is more interesting, however, to go right into the central problem in a frank way, and to discuss the more extreme view which doubts the existence of God. Once the question has been removed from the absolute, and gets to sliding on the scale of uncertainty, it may end up in very different positions. In many cases it comes out very close to being certain. But on the other hand, for some, the net result of close scrutiny of the theory his father held of God may be the claim that it is almost certainly wrong. Belief in God – and the facts of science That brings us to the second difficulty our student has in trying to weld science and religion: Why does it often end up that the belief in God – at least, the God of the religious type – is considered to be very unreasonable, very unlikely? I think that the answer has to do with the scientific things – the facts or partial facts – that the man learns. For instance, the size of the universe is very impressive, with us on a tiny particle whirling around the sun, among a hundred thousand million suns in this galaxy, itself among a billion galaxies. Again, there is the close relation of biological man to the animals, and of one form of life to another. Man is a latecomer in a vast evolving drama; can the rest be but a scaffolding for his creation? Yet again, there are the atoms of which all appears to be constructed, following immutable laws. Nothing can escape it; the stars are made of the same stuff, and the animals are made of the same stuff, but in such complexity as to mysteriously appear alive – like man himself. It is a great adventure to contemplate the universe beyond man, to think of what it means without man – as it was for the great part of its long history, and as it is in the great majority of places. When this objective view is finally attained, and the mystery and majesty of matter are appreciated, to then turn the objective eye back on man viewed as matter, to see life as part of the universal mystery of greatest depth, is to sense an experience which is rarely described. It usually ends in laughter, delight in the futility of trying to understand. These scientific views end in awe and mystery, lost at the edge in uncertainty, but they appear to be so deep and so impressive that the theory that it is all arranged simply as a stage for God to watch man’s struggle for good and evil seems to be inadequate. So let us suppose that this is the case of our particular student, and the conviction grows so that he believes that individual prayer, for example, is not heard. (I am not trying to disprove the reality of God; I am trying to give you some idea of – some sympathy for – the reasons why many come to think that prayer is meaningless. ) Of course, as a result of this doubt, the pattern of doubting is turned next to ethical problems, because, in the religion which he learned, moral problems were connected with the word of God, and if the God doesn’t exist, what is his word? But rather surprisingly, I think, the moral problems ultimately come out relatively unscathed; at first perhaps the student may decide that a few little things were wrong, but he often reverses his opinion later, and ends with no fundamentally different moral view. There seems to be a kind of independence in these ideas. In the end, it is possible to doubt the divinity of Christ, and yet to believe firmly that it is a good thing to do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you. It is possible to have both these views at the same time; and I would say that I hope you will find that my atheistic scientific colleagues often carry themselves well in society. Communism and the scientific viewpoint I would like to remark, in passing, since the word â€Å"atheism† is so closely connected with â€Å"communism,† that the communist views are the antithesis of the scientific, in the sense that in communism the answers are given to all the questions – political questions as well as moral ones – without discussion and without doubt. The scientific viewpoint is the exact opposite of this; that is, all questions must be doubted and discussed; we must argue everything out – observe things, check them, and so change them. The democratic government is much closer to this idea, because there is discussion and a chance of modification. One doesn’t launch the ship in a definite direction. It is true that if you have a tyranny of ideas, so that you know exactly what has to be true, you act very decisively, and it looks good – for a while. But soon the ship is heading in the wrong direction, and no one can modify the direction any more. So the uncertainties of life in a democracy are, I think, much more consistent with science. Although science makes some impact on many religious ideas, it does not affect the moral content. Religion has many aspects; it answers all kinds of questions. First, for example, it answers questions about what things are, where they come from, what man is, what God is – the properties of God, and so on. Let me call this the metaphysical aspect of religion. It also tells us another thing – how to behave. Leave out of this the idea of how to behave in certain ceremonies, and what rites to perform; I mean it tells us how to behave in life in general, in a moral way. It gives answers to moral questions; it gives a moral and ethical code. Let me call this the ethical aspect of religion. Now, we know that, even with moral values granted, human beings are very weak; they must be reminded of the moral values in order that they may be able to follow their consciences. It is not simply a matter of having a right conscience; it is also a question of maintaining strength to do what you know is right. And it is necessary that religion give strength and comfort and the inspiration to follow these moral views. This is the inspirational aspect of religion. It gives inspiration not only for moral conduct – it gives inspiration for the arts and for all kinds of great thoughts and actions as well. Interconnections These three aspects of religion are interconnected, and it is generally felt, in view of this close integration of ideas, that to attack one feature of the system is to attack the whole structure. The three aspects are connected more or less as follows: The moral aspect, the moral code, is the word of God – which involves us in a metaphysical question. Then the inspiration comes because one is working the will of God; one is for God; partly one feels that one is with God. And this is a great inspiration because it brings one’s actions in contact with the universe at large. So these three things are very well interconnected. The difficulty is this: that science occasionally conflicts with the first of the three categories – the metaphysical aspect of religion. For instance, in the past there was an argument about whether the earth was the center of the universe – whether the earth moved around the sun or stayed still. The result of all this was a terrible strife and difficulty, but it was finally resolved – with religion retreating in this particular case. More recently there was a conflict over the question of whether man has animal ancestry. The result in many of these situations is a retreat of the religious metaphysical view, but nevertheless, there is no collapse of the religion. And further, there seems to be no appreciable or fundamental change in the moral view. After all, the earth moves around the sun – isn’t it best to torn the other cheek? Does it make any difference whether the earth is standing still or moving around the son? We can expect conflict again. Science is developing and new things will be found out which will he in disagreement with the presentday metaphysical theory of certain religions. In fact, even with all the past retreats of religion, there is still real conflict for particular individuals when they learn about the science and they have heard about the religion. The thing has not been integrated very well; there are real conflicts here – and yet morals are not affected. As a matter of fact, the conflict is doubly difficult in this metaphysical region. Firstly, the facts may be in conflict, but even if the facts were not in conflict, the attitude is different. The spirit of uncertainty in science is an attitude toward the metaphysical questions that is quite different from the certainty and faith that is demanded in religion. There is definitely a conflict, I believe – both in fact and in spirit – over the metaphysical aspects of religion. In my opinion, it is not possible for religion to find a set of metaphysical ideas which will be guaranteed not to get into conflicts with an everadvancing and alwayschanging science which is going into an unknown. We don’t know how to answer the questions; it is impossible to find an answer which someday will not be found to be wrong. The difficulty arises because science and religion are both trying to answer questions in the same realm here. Science and moral questions On the other hand, I don’t believe that a real conflict with science will arise in the ethical aspect, because I believe that moral questions are outside of the scientific realm. Let me give three or four arguments to show why I believe this. In the first place, there have been conflicts in the past between the scientific and the religious view about the metaphysical aspect and, nevertheless, the older moral views did not collapse, did not change. Second, there are good men who practice Christian ethics and who do not believe in the divinity of Christ. They find themselves in no inconsistency here. Thirdly, although I believe that from time to time scientific evidence is found which may be partially interpreted as giving some evidence of some particular aspect of the life of Christ, for example, or of other religious metaphysical ideas, it seems to me that there is no scientific evidence bearing on the golden rule. It seems to me that that is somehow different. Now, let’s see if I can make a little philosophical explanation as to why it is different – how science cannot affect the fundamental basis of morals. The typical human problem, and one whose answer religion aims to supply, is always of the following form: Should I do this? Should we do this? Should the government do this? To answer this question we can resolve it into two parts: First — If I do this, what will happen? – and second – Do I want that to happen? What would come of it of value – of good? Now a question of the form: If I do this, what will happen?is strictly scientific. As a matter of fact, science can be defined as a method for, and a body of information obtained by, trying to answer only questions which can be put into the form: If I do this, what will happen? The technique of it, fundamentally, is: Try it and see. Then you put together a large amount of information from such experiences. All scientists will agree that a question – any question, philosophical or other – which cannot be put into the form that can be tested by experiment (or, in simple terms, that cannot be put into the form: If I do this, what will happen?) is not a scientific question; it is outside the realm of science. I claim that whether you want something to happen or not – what value there is in the result, and how you judge the value of the result (which is the other end of the question: Should I do this? ) – must lie outside of science because it is not a question that you can answer only by knowing what happens; you still have to judge what happens – in a moral way. So, for this theoretical reason I think that there is a complete consistency between the moral view – or the ethical aspect of religion – and scientific information. Turning to the third aspect of religion – the inspirational aspect – brings me to the central question that I would like to present to this imaginary panel. The source of inspiration today – for strength and for comfort – in any religion is very closely knit with the metaphysical aspect; that is, the inspiration comes from working for God, for obeying his will, feeling one with God. Emotional ties to the moral code – based in this manner – begin to be severely weakened when doubt, even a small amount of doubt, is expressed as to the existence of God; so when the belief in God becomes uncertain, this particular method of obtaining inspiration fails. I don’t know the answer to this central problem – the problem of maintaining the real value of religion, as a source of strength and of courage to most men, while, at the same time, not requiring an absolute faith in the metaphysical aspects. The heritages of Western civilization Western civilization, it seems to me, stands by two great heritages. One is the scientific spirit of adventure – the adventure into the unknown, an unknown which must be recognized as being unknown in order to be explored; the demand that the unanswerable mysteries of the universe remain unanswered; the attitude that all is uncertain; to summarize it – the humility of the intellect. The other great heritage is Christian ethics – the basis of action on love, the brotherhood of all men, the value of the individual – the humility of the spirit. These two heritages are logically, thoroughly consistent. But logic is not all; one needs one’s heart to follow an idea. If people are going back to religion, what are they going back to? Is the modern church a place to give comfort to a man who doubts Godmore, one who disbelieves in God? Is the modern church a place to give comfort and encouragement to the value of such doubts? So far, have we not drawn strength and comfort to maintain the one or the other of these consistent heritages in a way which attacks the values of the other? Is this unavoidable? How can we draw inspiration to support these two pillars of western civilization so that they may stand together in full vigor, mutually unafraid? Is this not the central problem of our time? I put it up to the panel for discussion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bond Market Information of Bangladesh

A well-developed financial system plays an important role in accelerating economic growth by mobilizing savings and facilitating investment in an efficient manner (Mu, 2007). Financial market is composed of different markets- Money Market, Capital Market, Derivative Market etc. All the markets play an interactive role for the development of economy by formation of capital through mobilizing funds, industrialization of economy through supplying adequate funds, providing services, linking investors to the industrial entrepreneurs etc.Besides, this requires sound regulatory framework, sound and investment sensitive administrative infrastructure, fiscal supports for making their role effective for economic development. The financial sector of Bangladesh is characterized by the dominating presence of commercial banks, especially the Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs). Although, a paradigm shift in the degree of dominance has been observed of late with the emergence of private commercial banks-traditional and shariah based banking. Banking sector accounted for about 75 percent of the total financial system.Most of the available funds go to the NCBs in the fo rm of deposits and channeled into lending. However, the NCBs had substantial nonperforming loan (NPL) portfolios. Both insurance and mutual funds industries are very small. The debt market being an integral part of financial market plays a complementary role in developing economy through allocation of funds to the different deficit sectors. The debt market consists of money market, mortgage market, bond market and derivative market. The debt market of Bangladesh is very small. The size of domestic debt accounted for only 20 percent of the financial system.Bangladeshs bond market represents the smallest in South Asia, accounting for only 12 per cent of the countrys gross domestic product (GDP), a World Bank report said. It is surprising that Bangladesh, which is much larger than Nepal in terms of population, land area and other measures, has the smallest bond market in the region, the report added. Like in any other country, a well-developed tradable bond market is critical to ensuring stability and efficiency of the financial market in Bangladesh. An efficient bond market is important for managing public debt and bank liquidity and for efficient conduct of the monetary policy.So far the bond market has played a limited role in the economy. The priority of the development of Bangladesh’s capital markets should be to promote the bond market development. Without a functioning bond market, the monetary transmission processes of policy measures would be circumvented, and the desired impact on the real economy can not be fulfilled, which compromises the effectiveness of the monetary policy operations. In view of this, the present study has been undertaken in order to evaluate the present bond mar ket status and to identify the issues and factors that prompt the development of bond market in Bangladesh. . Objectives of the Study The principal objective of the study is to evaluate present bond market status in Bangladesh. To accomplish this principal objective, following specific objectives have been covered: a) To highlight the Bond Market status of Bangladesh. b) To highlight the benefits of bond market for the parties to the Bond Market. c) To identify the problems that impedes the development of Bond Market in Bangladesh. d) To suggest some important policy measures for the development of Bond Market in Bangladesh. 3. Scope of the StudyThe inferences of the study would be used for the development of Bond Market in Bangladesh. It has covered opinions of 22 financial executives of listed companies on the issues that impede to the development of Bond Market. 4. Methodology of the Study The study has been both theoretical and empirical one. Both primary and secondary data have been used. 1. Collection of Primary Data: The researcher has prepared a questionnaire on the basis of survey of existing literature as well as of discussions made with some executives associated with the stock market. He conducted interview of 22 respondents personally. In this case, the researcher has selected 30 companies from a list of different economically important sectors conveniently, and attempted to conduct interview of 30 financial executives of 30 selected companies. Finally, he successfully has conducted interview of 22 financial executives. The opinions of 22 experts have been captured on five point-likert scales such as 5( Most significant), 4 ( Significant), 3 ( Indifferent), 2( Insignificant) and 1( Most insignificant). . Collection of Secondary Data: The secondary data has been collected from different sources- Annual Reports of Bangladesh Bank, World Bank Reports, published research journals, published books, websites, etc. 3. Analysis of Data: The data thus collected has been tabulated first and then analyzed with the help of different financial, statistical and econometric techniques. The study has used financial ratio, percentage, mean, factor analytical technique etc. for analysis of data and drawing inferences.Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is a method of reducing a large number of variables ( tests, scales, items, persons and so on) to a smaller number of presumed underlying hypothetical entities called factor ( Fruchter, 1967). It tries to simplify and diverse relationship that exist among a set of observed variables by uncovering common dimensions or factors that link together the seemingly unrelated variables and consequently provides insight into the underlying structures of the data( Dillion and Goldstein, 1984). The purpose of factor analysis is mainly two folds: data reduction and substantive interpretation.In the present study, ‘Principal Components Varimax Rotated Method’ of factor analysis has been used in order to identify the factors influencing the development of Bond Market in Bangladesh. Principal component factor explains more variance that the loadings obtained from any method of factoring. In order to define the group membership, an algorithm may be used to uncover a structure purely on the basis of the correlation structure of the input variables. Then the number of principal components to be retained in the study has been decided on the basis of Kaiser’s criterion (1958) of Eigen value 1 .Principal components having higher reliability coefficients are more reliable in the sense that the corresponding factors would be replicable in other similar kind of studies. Then Communality, symbolized by h2 are then worked out which show how much of each variable is accounted for by the underlying factors taken together. Then, factor scores have been generated on the basis of weighted average of Principal Factor loadings and average of respective variables included into the concerned group. Ranking of each factor has been made on the basis of scores derived. 5. Organization of the StudyThe Study has been organized into three sections. The first section has covered introduction, objective of the study, scope and methodology of the study. The second section has covered findings of the study- Status of Bangladesh Bond Market, benefits of Bond Market participants, and identification of problems impeding the bond market development of the country. The final chapter deals with the summary of the findings, policy implications and conclusions. 2. 0 Findings and Their Analyses The Study has been undertaken aiming at evaluating the status of Bond Market and tracing the factors influencing the development of Bond Market in Bangladesh. These have been discussed in the following paragraphs: 2. 1 Status of Bond Market in Bangladesh Bond Market is composed of Treasury bond, Municipal Bond and Corporate Bond. This is of two kinds- Organized and OTC markets. There are various types of bond products depending on provisions, maturities, coupon rate, options, convertibility, etc. Bond Market in Bangladesh is dominated by treasury debt securities. It has now only one corporate bond; but does not have any municipal bond/debenture.In recent years, around 70 percent of the domestic savings are held in the form of bank deposits, while only 30 percent are investments in the debt market which is entirely dominated by government instruments. There hardly exists a corporate bond market in the country, it has a debenture market with only a small number f well-known issuers. As of today, only one corporate bond has been floated. 2. 1. 1 Size and Composition of the Bangladesh Market in Comparison with South Asian Countries The size, access, efficiency and stability of the bond market across countries may by used to judge the state of the bond market development in Bangladesh.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Starting a Business Online, Part 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starting a Business Online, Part 2 - Assignment Example The buyer may also use my domain name to market his or her business, hence there may be confusions of identity. The domain name may also be used against my business by competitors to put down my business. In addition, there are various ethical dilemmas involved in selling my domain name (Schneider, 2011). The ethics of copyright may be looked in such a way that the creator has the power to allow or refute any other contributor to reap the rewards from it or to block other people from building on his or her contribution. It is also ethical that a person is entitled to his or her own creation. It is assumed that the content of the products of mind is a property of the whole society, and that the society would reap much if a lot of such products were made available, therefore in order to enhance production, the creator of the products should have the rights that allows him or her to gain economic benefits from his or her own work. Some of the other ethical dilemmas would include: confli ct of interest of the buyer and my business, plagiarism committed in product identity, and invasion of privacy of my business by the buyer (e-Commerce Merchants Trade Association, 2011). The software of e-commerce I use in my business makes it easy for customers to view products of the business at their convenience. The ease of usability and convenience of my customers with my products benefits my business in terms of sales and marketing. In order to increase sales, my e-commerce software provides shopping cart capabilities, catalog display and transaction processing. These will benefit my business in terms of sales and marketing. For example, the catalog display will indicate the list of my products and their prices to the customers. This will enable my clients to quickly identify my products and their prices to allow quick buy decisions. The shopping cart capabilities will allow my customers to do shopping from anywhere in the world. They are able to check the available products a nd make orders as necessary. The transaction processing gives the customer knowledge on how to process their payments once they order a product. It also indicates the method of payment as well as the period taken between making an order and delivery. This is very beneficial to my business as it will facilitate my business operations, hence, increase sales (American e-Commerce Association, 2011). Creating an effective presence on the Web is very significant to my business at this point. This will help me meet my business objectives. It is important that I increase the Website usability in order to improve my Web presence. Some of the ways I will use to improve my web presence include: optimizing search engine so as my Website is easy to locate; increasing my social networks, this will make my website more available to interact with my customers; creating a blog for my business, this will allow me to update information about products as well as customers, this will link my customers t o the website of my business; applying to directories in order to make the name of my business and information about my products available and easy to locate. This will increase my Web presence. I will also ensure that my website is effective; I will also implement the principles of a user centered web design. My website will also be friendly to search engine. Creating a web presence is based on mastering how to ensure customers are engaged on my website. I will also increase usability of my website to

Personal Reflection on Importance of Nursing Theory Research Paper

Personal Reflection on Importance of Nursing Theory - Research Paper Example Self-Care Theory can help Registered Nurses (RN) in practice, education, and in a research organization. The nurse theory can assist RN to explain, predict, and describe daily experiences that arise concerning self-caring or while caring for others. RN can be guided in assessing and evaluating favorable nursing cares essential for healthcare services and treatment. The theory can be used to collect data on the client's health status and be used by RN in making nursing decisions and implementing them. Nurses gain terminologies that are used in communication within healthcare organization or institutions. If registered nurses study the theory, they are capable of developing ideas and clearly define some words. The theory can assist RN to have autonomy of nursing by considering its functions of providing care to the patients and other people. Orem’s theory can assist me as a registered nurse in doing research on how to develop self-care behaviors in a hospital or health organization, as well as, amongst the public. Using her theoretical concept, I can generate new ideas, skills, and knowledge essential in advancing my career as a nurse. If a research is done appropriately, it is possible to identify knowledge gaps in Orem’s theory and provide a methodical approach to identifying questions for study. It can be done through selecting some variables, validating nursing interventions, and interpreting findings. Ideas can be borrowed from other disciplines for conceptual frameworks and assist nursing practice among the RN.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civilization - Essay Example Despite this immortality, the gods were subject to demise, loss of power, struggle and emotions. They weren’t neutral but were biased a thousand ways; they weren’t pure but were lust driven. Achilles was chosen by them, because of physical ability and military position. Yet he was full of shortcomings, arrogant, short tempered. But because the gods are nepotistic, he gets chosen. This is how Homer shows that however gods they might be, they were still prone to wrong decisions. He writes â€Å"We everlasting gods†¦ Ah what chilling blows, we suffer; thanks to our own conflicting wills- whenever we show these mortal men some kindness†(Iliad 346-348). There is realization, there is acknowledgement of fallacies yet there is continuity in their vices, their modes of action in the lives of their chosen ones. Yes, the humans are depicted as mere tools subjected to the likes and dislikes of gods. Blinded by their pride they might be, yet they were driven, whipped by gods, Gods who couldn’t stay headstrong themselves. Achilles did feel he was being monitored, driven, yet he continued on his fate. He knew about the divine intervention, but he didn’t settle down, he couldn’t settle down. This shows how deeply gods were into him, how minutely they carried out and observed each of his moves. He wanted to do otherwise but he couldn’t. He was a victim of indomitable power. The part where Achilles battles with and is at the verge of killing Agamemnon but is stopped by Athena who discloses the gods’ fear for the death of one if not both of their favorite humans. Is that not driven enough? Is that not prejudiced enough? The gods are indecisive of their actions but when one thing they seem perfectly in control of; Power Over Mortals. Another one of his nepotistic quotes shows flawless prejudice â€Å"Zeus and all gods: grant that this my son may become, as I am, foremost among Trojans, brave

Friday, July 26, 2019

Social Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Class - Essay Example These classes are â€Å"distinguished by inequalities in such areas as power, authority, wealth, working and living conditions, life-styles, life-span, education, religion, and culture† (Cody). How one’s socio-economic status, with which he is born with, affects his life chances is going to be discussed in this paper. Let’s first talk about healthcare. One who is born with high social status is given all the rights by the society to enjoy good health care facilities. He has enough money to go to expensive doctors or even visit physicians abroad. He has all the resources with which he can afford expensive medicines, and also can hire servants who bring the medicine placed on a tray to be put into his mouth. When a wealthy man goes to a hospital, he immediately gets an appointment with the highly professional provider. On the other hand, when a person belonging to a lower class, or even a middle class, gets sick, he is not able to afford to go to a doctor and buy c ostly medicines. If at all he manages to reach the hospital, he has to wait in long queues to get an appointment to get him examined. The doctor will not talk to him humanely. This way, the upper class enjoys greater longevity than the lower class. The middle class is not affected much in case of longevity. Hence, the amount of money a person has in his pocket decides what kind of and how much health care he will receive. This is the class discrimination that has deepened its roots into our society and no matter how much we get educated, we will always fall prey to this cruel discrimination. As far as family life is concerned, it is affected negatively in lower classes. This is because poor people are more stressed out because of poor financial conditions. They do not have high paying jobs, and thus they hardly make both ends meet. They cannot think of any luxury other than earning bread and butter. The family life is disturbed and the children do not get enough attention from their parents. Despite being the richest country, Americans rank highest in child poverty rates. They are stricken with insufficient nutrition along with unemployment and housing that is overcrowded (Arloc). Poor class manifests in physical, emotional and social ways. McLoyd suggests that impoverished children have social, emotional and behavioral problems due to poor health and serious mental health problems stemming from the persistent poverty level in which they live. Aber and Bennett concluded that serious health problems come along with the territory such as preventable diseases like Influenza, Measles, Malnutrition and AIDS due to lack of proper education and poor or no health care at all. On the other hand, the rich people have all the facilities and luxuries with which they can make their lives easier and their children happier. They can always spend lots of money on vacations, movies, games, picnics, and so on. The education and the political system is also dependent upon the so cial class. Lower social classes do not have the funding to support their children financially so that they are able to get good education. So they lag behind. This ends in their not getting good jobs, thus they add to the overall poverty. The high social classes can afford good schools and colleges, and can even send their children abroad for higher education. Thus, education sector is controlled by those high in power and wealth. Moreover, upper class is also able to vote more and choose their political leaders. Lower classes either

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Persuation paper regarding Family Therapy in school setting Essay

Persuation paper regarding Family Therapy in school setting - Essay Example Also, student needs are being met by career counselors and nurses, so it would be a good idea to have family therapy added. Family therapy would help families stay together. There are many problems that families have that students have to deal with on a daily basis. When they come to school they may be tired, upset, or angry and they have no where to go to talk about their feelings. A family therapy program could help them by allowing them to talk about their feelings. The therapist could then bring the entire family in during school hours and everyone would be helped. Although many parents would have to work during school hours, they may be able to get off for an hour or two in order to do therapy. Family therapy would be free in school. Many families do not have money to go t a therapist in the community and some people do not have insurance that will pay for them to go. By having a family therapy program in school, the cost could be paid for through a grant or other educational fu nd. There might also be people in the community who would contribute to the program. When there is a problem with a student and there is no place in school for them to go, they have to find someone outside of school to help them. If they do not have the resources to find someone, they do not get the help they need. A family therapy program would accomplish two things in this situation: The first thing it would do is help them have a therapist they already know. During the school day, a family therapist could get to know students and begin to understand their problems. The second thing that this would accomplish is that it would give parents a person who already knew their child from school. Bothe the parents and the child would have a therapist they were already comfortable seeing. Some parents might be afraid to go to family counseling because they would feel they would not want to have the school know their family business. However, if their child was having problems in school, th ey should be encouraged to help their child in any situation. Some parents might feel that going to a therapist means they are mentally ill or that people would think they were crazy. A family therapy program could encourage parents to come in for events that were geared just for them. As an example, a tea or a luncheon to tell parents about the program would be an ideal way for them to get to know more about the family therapy program. The therapist and the principal could make sure that all students take home information about the counseling program that would encourage parents to come to these events or stop in if they needed to talk to someone. Many schools have school psychologists but they are not the same as a therapist. The school psychologists usually do a lot of testing and they do not really do counseling. The therapist would be able to be the one to do the counseling and they may also get some ideas from the psychologist about what issues students need to address in thei r studies. Some of the issues that a counselor could help students with would include: adjustment to school, adjustment to divorce, any abuse issues that might happen at home, alcohol or drug abuse, and peer pressure. These are just some of the issues a skilled counselor could help with and by talking about these issues students may be able to do better in school. Counselors could also do group counseling. There would be students who have the same issues and they could come together as a group and talk about their problems. Maybe

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Statistical Reasoning in public Health Math Problem

Statistical Reasoning in public Health - Math Problem Example The children were followed for one year after randomization, and monitored for AOM during this period. 262 children were randomized to the vaccine group, and 150 of these children experienced at least one incident of AOM during the follow-up period. 134 children were randomized to the placebo group, and 83 of these children experience at least one incident of AOM during the follow-up period. (a) Report a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of children experiencing at least one incident of AOM during the follow-up period in: 1) the group randomized to receive AOM 51.2% to 63.1% 2) the group randomized to receive a placebo 53.5% to 69.7% 3) How do these 95% CI’s compare? (similar range of values? Overlap?) There is an overlap of values. (b) 1) Report a 95% confidence interval for the difference in proportions of children experiencing AOM over the follow-up period. (you may choose the direction of comparison – ie: placebo to vaccine or vice-versa) . Placebo to vacci ne: 47.3% to 63.1% 2) Interpret the confidence interval in a sentence. At the 95% confidence level, those who use a placebo have 47.3% to 63.1% chances of experiencing AOM over the follow-up period compared to those who have taken the vaccine. ... Yes, the p-value is consistent. (d) 1) Give an estimate of the relative risk of AOM (in the follow-up period) for children in the vaccine group compared to those in placebo. 0.92 2) Interpret this estimated relative risk. Those who are in the vaccine group are .92 times as likely to suffer from AOM than those in placebo. (e) 1) Give an estimate of the odds ratio of AOM (in the follow-up period) for children in the vaccine group compared to those in placebo. 0.82 or 50:41 2) Interpret this estimated odds ratio. Those who are in the vaccine group are .82 times more likely to suffer from AOM than those in placebo. 3) How does it compare in value to the estimate of relative risk from part d1? They are almost similar. (f) 1) Is this a randomized study? Yes 2) What does this study design suggest when translating the statistical result from part (b) into a substantive/scientific conclusion? (Note: this is an extension question, we have not covered this in detail, I just want you to think ab out it) A randomized study minimizes allocation bias and thus makes the statistical result from part (b) a substantive, unbiased, scientific conclusion 2. A study was done to investigate whether there is a relationship between survival of patients with coronary heart disease and pet ownership. A representative sample of 101 patients with CHD was taken. Each of these patients was classified as having a pet or not and by whether they survived one year following their first heart attack. Of 52 pet owners, 50 survived. Of 49 non-pet owners, 28 survived. Suppose you were interested in doing a statistical analysis of these study results. Answering the follow questions to help you with this goal! (g) Using Stata (or the posted Stata output) , report

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

SEX AS CRIME 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

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How do you configure hardware and software Essay Example for Free

How do you configure hardware and software Essay The most common colour depths are:   16 colours   256 colours   High Colour (16 bit, or 65,536 colours)   True Colour (24 bit, or over 16 million colours) Higher resolutions are greater number of colours require more memory. At 256 colours, each pixel requires one byte of memory. There are 8 bits in a byte, so each pixel in High Colour requires two bytes, and each pixel in True Colour requires three. Because of this, some video cards may restrict you to fewer colours in higher resolutions, due to the amount of memory required. For example, a True Colour display with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels would require memory of 1280 x 1024 x 3 = 3,932,160 bytes, or nearly 4Mb! Drivers Different printers have different features, such as the ability to print in different fonts, and different resolutions (i. e. numbers of dots per inch) when printing graphics. Even where there are common features, such as the ability to print in bold, the codes that the computer needs to send to switch that feature on and off can vary from model to model. What the computer requires is some software called a driver, which can translate the codes generated by the program into codes suitable for the printer. In Windows, the drivers are installed centrally in the Control Panel so that each application, e. g. Excel or Word, can use the same drivers. In the days of DOS, each program often had its own printer driver. Other hardware devices, such as video cards, modems and scanners also require drivers. These perform the same function, allowing the computer to control the device. Sometimes the same driver can be used for similar devices (e.g. you may hear about Hayes compatible modems, or HP LaserJet compatible printers), but even in these cases it is often only by using the specific driver for that device that the most advanced features can be utilised. WYSIWYG and TrueType Fonts One of the problems with printing from a word processor or other application is that your text may not appear on paper as it did on the screen. With modern Graphical User Interfaces, this should be less of a problem, but with older character-based systems (such as DOS, or UNIX), fonts on the screen were not proportionally spaced. Characters could only appear at fixed intervals across the screen, and so it wasnt possible to insert fractions of spaces to justify the text. This meant that sometimes you could print out justified text, but not see what it was going to look like on the screen. A solution to this problem came with the arrival of WYSIWYG user interfaces. WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get, and means that your print should appear exactly as it does on the screen. Word (in Page Layout View, at least) is a WYSIWYG word processor; you get exactly what you see as you are typing. Other word processors, such as WordPerfect 5. 1 offer a halfway house solution, with a character-based input screen, and a graphical print preview. Even with GUIs and WYSIWYG word processors, there was still the problem of the fonts being used in the printer not being exactly the same as the ones used for display on the screen. This could lead to things not quite lining up, or not appearing as expected. A solution for this came with TrueType fonts. A TrueType font is used by Windows both for display on the screen and for printing. When you select a typeface in, say, Word, the TT symbol indicates a TrueType font. If you select one of these, you can be sure that your document will appear in the same way on paper as it did on the screen. Limitations of Hardware and Software Sometimes, due to the limitations of the hardware or software being used, a system will not be able to fully exploit the features of a peripheral. You will not be able to use certain fonts that a printer may support, for example, if the word processor you are using will not let you select that font, or if you are printing from, say, Notepad. Also, there is no point in you being able to scan things in 24-bit colour (i.e. 16 million colours) if your monitor cannot display that many, or you need to save the image as a GIF (GIFs only support 256 colours; if you want more colours than that, save your picture as a jpeg). Some modern printer drivers are applications in their own right, and have minimum hardware requirements specified. The drivers for my printer at home, for example, will not run on a 386. Examination Questions When installing or configuring a particular word processing package, the documentation states that the correct printer driver must also be installed. What is a printer driver, and why is it necessary? (1997) A company sells a range of health foods at five different shops. It also sells directly to the home from a number of vehicles. There are hundreds of different items of stock and many items are seasonal, so items in stock are constantly changing. Customers purchase goods and pay by cash, cheque or credit card. The company is considering a computerised system to help manage sales and stock control. Discuss the capabilities and limitations of current   communications devices,   input devices,   output devices and   storage devices.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Immunizations and Autism Essay Example for Free

Immunizations and Autism Essay Immunizations and Autism Seven years ago I took my son to his doctor appointment to receive his one year immunization shots; little did I know that my little boy would never be the same again. I was furious when the doctor told me that my son now had autism! How could this be, I thought, he was fine before his immunizations? I did some research and found out that immunizations are filled with poisons and can cause serious side affects, autism being one of them. Autism is a developmental disability that affects one in every one hundred and fifty children in the United States (Rozario). It causes sensory issues, communication delays, and social problems amongst many other side effects. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in the US alone. It has increased one hundred and seventy-two percent since the 1990s, and the number of those diagnosed continues to grow. The media refers to autism as a world-wide epidemic (Rozario). There are many different treatments for autism, but there is still no cure, and the link between immunizations and autism is a huge controversial topic. There are many sources explaining the link etween the two, as well as there are sources that try to dispute the idea. The link between autism and immunization shots has been an ongoing debate for many years. There have been multiple studies done to try and disprove that autism could be caused by immunizations, but there is also a lot of research that links autism with immunization shots. Many believe that the immunizations are a cause of autism. RataJczak wrote an article entitled Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes. She did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do. She reviewed not Just one theory uggested by research, such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them (Rozario). Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and dilations, viral infections, and brain damage, after receiving the vaccinations. Therefore autism is the result of genetic defects and inflammation of the brain (Rozario). Some doctors believe that the vac cines are scientifically linked to brain damage, but not scientifically linked to autism. Doctors often argue on this topic. Some seriously believe the immunizations cause autism, and will even advise arents not to get certain shots. While there are many other doctors who will refuse to say that there is any link at all. Yet they do not say why they disagree or give any other reasons or opinions of where autism comes from. Despite official insistence that the evidence linking injected thimerosal to autism is inconclusive, the data suggests otherwise. Considering what is put into the vaccines that are injected into hours-old infants, it is easy to understand why they are at the top of the list of suspects. These vaccines include: formaldehyde (used in embalming), thimerosal nearly 50% mercury), aluminum phosphate (toxic and carcinogenic), antibiotics, phenols (corrosive to skin and toxic), aluminum salts (corrosive to tissue and neurotoxic), methanol (toxic), isopropyl (toxic), 2-pheoxyethano (toxic), live viruses, and a host of unknown components considered off limits as trade secrets (Omeara). These are Just part ot the vaccine mixture. The tact that doctors are 0k witn injecting babies with all these toxic chemicals blows my mind! Another factor that has not been widely discussed is human DNA contained in vaccines. Human tissue is currently used in twenty-three vaccinations. Ever since the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccinations there has been an increase in autism incidences. The DNA is incorporated into the host DNA, now it has changed and the altered self and body kills it (Rozario). This is most expressed in the neurons of the brain, so now you have body killing the brain cells and it becomes an ongoing inflammation. It does not stop, it continues through the life of that individual (Rozario). There have also been an increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time which can throw the bodys immune system out of balance, and babies already have a low immune system ecause they are so young. The MMR and Hepatitis B vaccines are said to be the vaccinations that have autism as a highly possible side effect. Several national autism groups are actively addressing a vaccine induced cause for the disease. The first Hepatitis B vaccine was liscenced in 1986, and by 1991 it became the first DNA vaccine to be recommended by the CDC (Center of Disease Control) as a universal childhood vaccine. With increased use of the vaccine, reports have come in from around the country of serious autoimmune and neurological reactions to the vaccine (Rozario, 2002). With such reports as this you would think that doctors would reconsider what they are putting in the immunization shots before they are injected into babies. Vaccines linked to autism have even gone to the courts. A federal vaccine court ruled that the preponderance of evidence suggested that a nine year old girls autism was in fact caused by the vaccinations she received as a child. Autism activists said that the decision was the first official admission that vaccines can cause autism. There are currently over 5,000 autism cases pending in the vaccine court today (Bailey). Cases like the nine year old little girl happen all the time, but they usually do not go anywhere or get resolved. Could you imagine if they finally admitted to vaccinations causing autism? There would be millions of lawsuits like this and a lot of angry parents, which makes me think they will never admit it because it will cost them way to much money. Autism is a huge world wide epidemic that is still on the rise. Many people have different views on what causes autism, but it is no secret among government and health officials that mercury is extremely toxic, and causes serious adverse reactions. Parents of autistic children wonder when health officials will wake up to the epidemic that has claimed hundreds of thousands of children in the United States, with no end in sight.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Property Valuation Report Commerce Essay

A Property Valuation Report Commerce Essay Introduction In recent years, the real estate market becomes a focal point. Property value may change by the influence of the government, social, economic and environmental forces. Demographys report shows Australian home prices to be little increased in 2011, driven by the slow pace of construction approvals, strong immigration, and an economy that hasnt experienced a recession in nearly two decades. (Business day, 2011)These forces will affect the real estate markets up or down. This task focuses on the property inspection and valuation and specifically discusses a valuation of Burwood Vic. First it describes the external components and internal inspection of the house. Then it analyses what factors would affect the property value. After that, the market valuation approach is undertaken and five recently comparable sales within the local area are provided, with the valuation and details of each house being discussed. There are some opinions and discuses shown by references, graphs, images and R Pdata website finding. Current state of the residential market 1In recent years Melbourne real estate market is more active, with the house price gradually rising in the trend. And key fundamentals are in high demand, which is created by population growth in the city of Melbourne. There is a serious supply and demand imbalance in the Australian residential property market. Melbourne has major problems in meeting demand for new housing and is not building enough apartments and houses currently .Different regions in the Melbourne have different prices. According to Residex, houses grew by 14.3% and units by 12.3% in 2010. And Melbourne is now the second highest priced median housing market in the country behind Sydney. Besides, interest rate rise in 2010, which was influence by the Australian economy, grew well above its trend rate at 0.9% for 2009. (Iron fish, 2010) This incredible result, along with solid employment figures and buoyant business and consumer confidence have all but guaranteed the return of interest rates to a normal level by the end of the year .( Iron fish,2010). On the other hand, the secondhand room trade in Melbourne is very active, with about 65% people in Melbourne renting the private house. The RP Date shows that rent houses price is increasing 35% in the last 3 years. This is why the more investors see the high return in the property and choose to invest in real estate. Local suburban market The Burwood housing market has been increasing between 2002 and 2010 with the median house price around $200,000. At present, the May 2010 median house price is at $250,000 while unit prices average $280,000 (Domain, 2010). Between May 2002 and 2010 the Burwood property market has increased annually on average by 12%, however with the rise of interest rates on mortgage repayments, according to the Real Estate Institute of Victoria, the suburban market is likely to ease as housing becomes less affordable (REIV, 2010). In terms of the local suburban market with reference to the housing market, the property price in Burwoods long term trend is increase for house and units. The median price for house in year 2010 is increasing, but the price for units is going down. (Domain, 2010) 2 Source form: Factors affecting home value There are major factors affecting the housing value. To sum up, first is the urban employment opportunities. The second is the secondhand market is activated. The third one is the government policies. In this section we will examine particularly how market and government forces affect the houses value. The government force can have a great impact on property value. In the 2010, VIC government increased Built permit license, the number of Home Starter allowance is grow 30 %.( RP Data, 2010). Government policies plan stimulates the economy and property market. Economic forces mainly in the external economic factors are: employment, wages level and occupancy rate. Related to the employment opportunities, higher income means high demand, this is an external factor to affect the house value. And Interest rates are a major component to a property market since high interest rates increase the added expense in borrowing money from banks. On the contrary, low interest tends to drive demand of the property result in an upward trend. In additional, KEY value influence ¼Ã… ¡ Access to workplace, shopping centers and culture facilities Transport Services Quality of schools 3Reputation of the area Residential atmosphere Supply of land Private land use restrictions ( lecture notes, topic 3) About this house- share house, a major influence is firstly, location. House prices most significant influence factor is the location, location can decided how good the most important factor is the traffic. Secondly, it is CBD. Business Centre is to determine the prices for key factor, located in the business centre will determine the house price growth fast. Lastly, its the environment. Including the ecological environment and human and culture environment, economic environment, any environmental conditions will improve property appreciation. Ecological environment is to observe without air and water pollution and so on, if inside the residential area have plenty of green space or garden, this area will fit for live in, and some improvements. Property inspection The physical characteristics of the Johnston property were examined as a result of a visual inspection on the 20th of January, 2011. The external components were first assessed, including boundary dimensions and improvement areas, Site characteristics. Details of the legal description and land, Land Channel report. And a description of the land characteristics, services and planning controls. Then, the inspection of the internal features of the property will be examining, analysis each room covering floors, walls, and condition of the room. External plan of the lands 4The image below is a cadastral map portraying, the propertys location on the street. The map from state government Victoria and google map. Description external Features Site size Encompassing 828 square meters, the Johnston site has two levels of the house. In general, the higher size the site attracts if it has higher utility. Site shape 5The site width measures to be about 17 metres and the length about 40 metres. The sites dimensions also contribute towards the property are the biggest area utility. Site Access The Johnston state has two direct accesses to the propertys appeal. From the highway having one access point, the other point is on the right through the road. The site is easy and continence to get in. Zoning The Johnston property is located in the Residential 2 Zone, and last year, the Victoria government zoned the areas of the distribution, from the city to Vermont south all cover the zone 1, ,that meaning that the site highest and best use in the residential development ,and develop the transport. Topography In this area, where the topography around the site, there are almost houses and several apartments. Due to the wide and height range of the zoning limitations, so the site used the residential house or the two-level units. At the Johnston site, the topography is used for the family housing. Available Utilities The Melbourne government makes the available utilities for the residential house people. Including services: electricity, water, gas, high -speed internet, Drainage and sewerage, security. These services increase the residential development and contribution. Environment The local environment is covering a variety environmental factors, climate, temperature, humidity also influence the environment. Historically the weather is not affect the Johnston site area. The air quality seems to be good, there is no factory near the site, make green by planting trees, landscaping of residential area. Descriptions Internal inspection 6Living comfort and appeal are exemplified in the propertys aesthetics and internal components. There are 3 bedrooms, a living room and 1 bathroom. Its an old brick house with a large backyard. Brief property description Property layout House is located the face south, the front door leads into the entry corridor, in front of the corridor is the bedrooms, entry the hallway, beside the wall is the large walk-in wardrobe, walk through the hallway, on the left is the bathroom and toilet, along the hallway is the laundry room, next the laundry is the kitchen, with the dining room with together in the middle of the house. In the dining room there is the other bedroom here, the entrance to the hallway, there are two bedrooms beside laundry two sides. The back garden is the through the hallway, open the door near the laundry room. Big balconies have been seeing. Downstairs is the garden. Hot/Cold water services Hot/ cold service provide the convince way to the life. Cold and hot water are made available at each water pipe, at kitchen, bathroom, back garden, and laundry room. This provide a help to water condition, using the hose down a garden, its helpful and easy for living. And the cold water can drink directly. Cold water was reused after chemical treatment, it is safe way. Air- conditioning /Heating systems There is the heating and air-conditioning installed in the house. Making a comfortable lifestyle. When temperature is below the specific point, the heating or air-conditioning will automatically start mode. 7 Room Descriptions Main bedroom The main bedroom is a medium-sized room with one large window that overlooks the small front garden and grows flowers and plants. Big wardrobe is inside the wall, double size bed, with wall-to-wall carpeting. Two sides to cover with yellow wallpaper, this room are location is backlight, although in the hot summer, it is still feel comfortable. And a floor lamp and bedstand in the two sides of bed. And has double window curtain. 8 Kitchen Located in the back of the house, the kitchen is with the living room together, the cupboards is made of the solid timber is large to put the whole things, there are two large cupboards the kitchen floor is a tiled floor, it is easy to clean. A large dinning-table and six chairs near the pantry. In addition, on the other side are the refrigerator, oven, and microwave oven. There is a kitchen ventilator in above the stove. The sink and tap are easy to use, there are hot and cold water from the two points, easy way. All things in kitchen have the good conditions. Bedroom * 3 Other bedrooms including: Corner -Big Screen 9-Entry Door -Carpet -Desk -floor lamp -double size bed Walls: -Shelves -double window curtain -shutter -Windows -Wallpaper -wardrobe Bathroom The main bathroom is Skid-free surface -cabinet -bath tub 10-shower bath Shutter ventilating fan Coat hanger Flush toilet Living room The living room is located at the middle of the residence house, there are several large sofas in around the tea table, in front of the table is the TV and DVD table, the other side is the garden, open glass door can directly enter the back garden. In additional, can enter the carport. 11 DETAILED PROPEONRTY VALUATION A property valuation was undertaken for Johnston Street, Burwood on the 20th of January 2011. In this section, the Burwood suburb will be examined to evaluate the current market price for the subject property. Source From the 12 Subject property 20 Johnston Street Burwood VIC 3125 Property type: house Attributes: 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom 1 Toilet 4 lockup Garages Sale Price:    $478,000 Sale Date:    27/09/03 Local Govt: Burwood Distance To: CBD 18km Highest price paid last 3 years: $1,000,000 Lowest price paid last 3 years: $375,000 Average land size houses: 893 sqm Median Sold Price: $ 750,000 13 Features: Balcony, courtyard, garage, Wardrobe, kitchen, bathroom, living room Situated within close proximity to: 75 tram station (200m), Deakin University (1.4km), Burwood shopping center (2.5km) On the market history for Sale PUB.Date Sale Detail Agency 27/09/03 Normal sale $300,000-$400,000 Barry plant DOHERTY REAL ESTATE 20/09/03 Normal sale $300,000-$400,000 Barry plant DOHERTY REAL ESTATE 06/09/03 Normal sale $300,000-$400,000 Barry plant DOHERTY REAL ESTATE 04/09/03 Action-12:00pm 27/09/03 On site Barry plant DOHERTY REAL ESTATE BLACKBURN Source from 14 Market comparisons The 5 properties below are a selection of sales chosen from the Australian property monitors database -RPdata. They are ranked by their superiority to the subject property and reflect comparable characteristics. They are all located within Burwood. Burwood 3125 26 Brockhoff DR Description Dwelling type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom: 2 Land area: 448sqm Car accommodation: 2 Distance from subject property: Nearest tram station: 2.6km Sale Price: $ 610,000 Sale listed: end 26/08/10 15 Burwood 3125 3 Conservatory DR Description Dwelling type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom: 2 Land area: 425 sqm Car accommodation: 2 Distance from subject property: Nearest train station: 2.4km Sale Price: $560,000 Sale listed: 26/11/ 16 Burwood 3125 41 Leopold st Description Dwelling type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom: 1 Land area: 741 sqm Car accommodation: 1 Distance from subject property: Nearest tram station: 2 km Sale Price: $ 778,000 Sale listed: 05/10/10 17 Burwood 3125 9 Pescott CL Description Dwelling type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom: 2 Land area: 502 sqm Car accommodation: 2 Distance from subject property: Nearest tram station: 2.6 km Sale Price: $ 646,980 Sale list: 08/01/11 18 Burwood 3125 5 Roadway Ct Description Dwelling type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom; 2 Land area: 378sqm Car accommodation: 2 Distance from subject property: Nearest tram station: 1.8 km Sale Price: $ 850,000 Sale date: 25/07/10 19 House price estimate Address: 20 Johnston Street, Burwood Vic 3125 Valuation date: 2011/01 Valuation: $650,000 Valuation range: $600,000-680,000 It is based on the comparability of the sales to the subject property and widens the scope of the valuation. Based on the comparable sales and an evaluation of property markets, the Burwood property value will range between $600,000-$680,000. The valuation is based on current market circumstances so changing market conditions will alter the value of the property. Estimate compared to median price The current estimated market price for this property is $750,000 above the current median house price in Burwood. Conclusion To analysis the above the property, estimate a propertys value is not easy to say increase or decrease, need to consider different forces, such as marketing situation, government policies, economic forces , and environmental change. Melbournes residential property will make another steady start in 2011 and continue to do so in the long term. This assignment focuses on the property situated at 20 Johnston Street, Burwood Victoria where, both Australian and local markets were analyzed, the property was inspected and finally was valued. As always, look at the Comparisons property within the Burwood in Melbourne, real estate value is continuing to be good trend for property investment in the future. 19

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Perceptions of Mental Illness Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Perceptions of Mental Illness Throughout this course, much of what we have discussed has depended strongly on an interpretation of scientific information. We have questioned, criticized, accepted, rejected, and formed our own ideas about topics in neural and behavioral science. A book which I have read recently seems to fit in with this type of discussion. Blaming the Brain, by Eliot Valenstein, describes the major biological theories of mental illness and the lack of evidence we have to fully support them. What Valenstein argues is that we have come to a point where we accept all mental illness as purely biological in origin, and have discarded older ideas about social and psychological effects, rather then attempting to see how these two different types of explanations fit together. While some may argue that this shift has helped to significantly de-stigmatize mental illness, it also has caused a neglect of important factors which must play a role in these disorders. In 1999, in a report by the Surgeon General, it was stated that research into the biology of the brain is "a potent antidote to stigma," but it was also emphasized that psychotherapy not be forgotten as it sometimes plays a large role in recovery. Finding middle ground: Although we do not know all there is to know about disorders of the nervous system, I believe that it is very plausible that mental illness is mostly the result of disturbances in the nervous system. Although in extreme situtions, some claim things like, "it reduces a complex human activity to a slice of damaged brain tissue" (4). I wouldn't go this far to assume that this is all there is to it, although I also don't believe that all mental illnesses can fit into the same box. While s... ... fallacies of no-fault addiction!xrn_5_0_A53551866%3Fsw_aep%3Dbrynmawr_main&cont=&msg=No+Session+cookies&sserv=no 5)Schizophrenia!xrn_5_0_A53551866%3Fsw_aep%3Dbrynmawr_main&cont=&msg=No+Session+cookies&sserv=no 6) Scientists Call for End to Neurology-Psychiatry `Divide' Valenstein, Eliot. (1998). Blaming the Brain. New York: The Free Press

Tragic Triumph :: essays research papers

It hardly takes a discerning eye to realize that life does not consist of fairy tale endings. That fact is all too apparent in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, a work which has been labeled a tragedy by many critics. Robert Heilman defines a tragedy as a work of literature in which a character divided within the self makes choices, bears the consequences of those choices, gains a new awareness, and suffers victory in defeat. As you will see, John Proctor is a perfect protagonist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main choice which Proctor must make is simple enough to recognize: lie about his participation in witchcraft or proclaim his innocence and be hanged; however, the actual process of making this decision is not as easy. Proctor vacillates between dishonesty and the upholding of society's and his own morals. In Act IV, anxiety permeates the air as Proctor puts his name on the confession; but somewhere between the quill and the quintessence of the tragedy, Proctor has a change of heart. I believe that the precise point at which he realizes the exigency of the situation is when he emits the soul-wrenching cry, 'You will not use me!'; (142). And so, with these words, the first provision of a tragedy is furnished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miller spares us the full repercussions of Proctor's decision by ending the play before the hangings. Still, it is evident what the consequence of Proctor's insistent grip on integrity will be: death. I find it much more fitting that Miller excludes the most disparaging part of the play and instead instills in our minds the positive side. Elizabeth plants the seed of this thought when she proclaims of John, 'He have his goodness now'; (143). This statement creates perfect balance in the conclusion of the play, allowing the reader to experience the full psychological weight of the Salem Witch Trials while permitting the presentation of the optimist's viewpoint.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before his untimely death, Proctor gains an awareness of life possible only to those who hold it in insufficient hands and observe it sifting through their fingers like the Sands of Time. His epiphany occurs just after the destruction of the confession, when all havoc breaks loose. In many prior instances throughout the play Proctor's integrity had been alluded to, although the taint of lechery prevented any confirmation of our suspicions. Proctor finally admits it both to us and to himself in saying, 'I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor'; (144). Although it is uncertain whether characters such as Hale ever reached this same point of Tragic Triumph :: essays research papers It hardly takes a discerning eye to realize that life does not consist of fairy tale endings. That fact is all too apparent in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, a work which has been labeled a tragedy by many critics. Robert Heilman defines a tragedy as a work of literature in which a character divided within the self makes choices, bears the consequences of those choices, gains a new awareness, and suffers victory in defeat. As you will see, John Proctor is a perfect protagonist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main choice which Proctor must make is simple enough to recognize: lie about his participation in witchcraft or proclaim his innocence and be hanged; however, the actual process of making this decision is not as easy. Proctor vacillates between dishonesty and the upholding of society's and his own morals. In Act IV, anxiety permeates the air as Proctor puts his name on the confession; but somewhere between the quill and the quintessence of the tragedy, Proctor has a change of heart. I believe that the precise point at which he realizes the exigency of the situation is when he emits the soul-wrenching cry, 'You will not use me!'; (142). And so, with these words, the first provision of a tragedy is furnished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miller spares us the full repercussions of Proctor's decision by ending the play before the hangings. Still, it is evident what the consequence of Proctor's insistent grip on integrity will be: death. I find it much more fitting that Miller excludes the most disparaging part of the play and instead instills in our minds the positive side. Elizabeth plants the seed of this thought when she proclaims of John, 'He have his goodness now'; (143). This statement creates perfect balance in the conclusion of the play, allowing the reader to experience the full psychological weight of the Salem Witch Trials while permitting the presentation of the optimist's viewpoint.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before his untimely death, Proctor gains an awareness of life possible only to those who hold it in insufficient hands and observe it sifting through their fingers like the Sands of Time. His epiphany occurs just after the destruction of the confession, when all havoc breaks loose. In many prior instances throughout the play Proctor's integrity had been alluded to, although the taint of lechery prevented any confirmation of our suspicions. Proctor finally admits it both to us and to himself in saying, 'I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor'; (144). Although it is uncertain whether characters such as Hale ever reached this same point of

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physics of Speed Detection :: police law enforcement radar gun speeding ticket

Speed detection is one of the most notorious functions of our local and state police. How do they know how fast we are going? Speed determination is accomplished in two basic ways. First, the least sophisticated method is dependent upon an officer's ability to guess your speed. Second, either some electronic method using radar or laser instrumentation authenticates that officer's guess. As you will see, their guesses are usually right on target. What does this mean for you? Usually a speeding ticket or if your infraction isn't a flagrant disregard for safety, a friendly warning. Speed(s) is the distance travelled divided by the total time it took to get from the starting point to the ending point, or: s=(Dx)/(Dt) How does the speedometer work? Your vehicle's speedometer determines your speed by examining the angular velocity(v) of your axle (how fast your axle spins) and multiplying it with the manufacturers' recommended circumference for the vehicle's tires. (This is why using oversize tires will cause your speedometer to register a lower speed than your actual travelling speed-the circumference of the oversize tires is greater than that of the recommended tires, while the angular speed remains the same) So, in application: s = v*2pr Why should we limit our speed? Speed limits are designated for roads based on the roads characteristics such as its geometry and capacity, and traffic characteristics such as overall volume, hourly volume and traffic density. Speed limits are designed to most effectively and safely regulate traffic. There are several methods of manual speed detection, but they are all based on obtaining a known distance and comparing it to the time it took to travel that distance. Officers who have been watching traffic for a long time tend to get a really good grasp of almost instantaneously knowing how fast vehicles are travelling. A table showing an officer's guess along side an inexperienced observer's guesses and the radar results is shown below. Note that Officer Keeler's guesses are all within 3 mph of the actual speed. My guesses tend to have a higher deviation and were sometimes influenced by officer Keeler's guesses if he spoke first. The other methods include using a stopwatch and timing a vehicle on a known distance, either from the ground or in an aircraft, and pacing a vehicle. Pacing a vehicle involves either matching speeds with the vehicle and checking your speedometer or locating distinct markings and counting so that you can again divide distance by time to obtain a speed. Physics of Speed Detection :: police law enforcement radar gun speeding ticket Speed detection is one of the most notorious functions of our local and state police. How do they know how fast we are going? Speed determination is accomplished in two basic ways. First, the least sophisticated method is dependent upon an officer's ability to guess your speed. Second, either some electronic method using radar or laser instrumentation authenticates that officer's guess. As you will see, their guesses are usually right on target. What does this mean for you? Usually a speeding ticket or if your infraction isn't a flagrant disregard for safety, a friendly warning. Speed(s) is the distance travelled divided by the total time it took to get from the starting point to the ending point, or: s=(Dx)/(Dt) How does the speedometer work? Your vehicle's speedometer determines your speed by examining the angular velocity(v) of your axle (how fast your axle spins) and multiplying it with the manufacturers' recommended circumference for the vehicle's tires. (This is why using oversize tires will cause your speedometer to register a lower speed than your actual travelling speed-the circumference of the oversize tires is greater than that of the recommended tires, while the angular speed remains the same) So, in application: s = v*2pr Why should we limit our speed? Speed limits are designated for roads based on the roads characteristics such as its geometry and capacity, and traffic characteristics such as overall volume, hourly volume and traffic density. Speed limits are designed to most effectively and safely regulate traffic. There are several methods of manual speed detection, but they are all based on obtaining a known distance and comparing it to the time it took to travel that distance. Officers who have been watching traffic for a long time tend to get a really good grasp of almost instantaneously knowing how fast vehicles are travelling. A table showing an officer's guess along side an inexperienced observer's guesses and the radar results is shown below. Note that Officer Keeler's guesses are all within 3 mph of the actual speed. My guesses tend to have a higher deviation and were sometimes influenced by officer Keeler's guesses if he spoke first. The other methods include using a stopwatch and timing a vehicle on a known distance, either from the ground or in an aircraft, and pacing a vehicle. Pacing a vehicle involves either matching speeds with the vehicle and checking your speedometer or locating distinct markings and counting so that you can again divide distance by time to obtain a speed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Leadership in the New Millenium

Chapter 1: Moral Leadership in America This Chapter talks about the absolute need for moral leadership in America. We live in a very unstable time. Our society is very fragile. Perhaps no other time in our history is there a great need for great leadership, not just based on their ability but their moral compass. They have to lead with creditability and they have to be visionaries that can lead people into the right path to better their conditions. Without the right morality they won’t be able to get people to work together. Chapter 2: The loss of CharacterThis chapter talks about leadership in relationship o having character or not having character. Be we just a plain individual, leader in our society or a part there of. We have to carry ourselves in an exemplary manner because people are always watching us, whether we realize it or not. The higher position you are in authority or stature the more scrutiny you are under. With technology and electronic media being so easily ac cessible it often times leads to people being looked at poorly for one reason or another. A lot of times it is done purposefully by the media for the sake of making money.The author makes a special point to note that this loss of character is prevalent in all walks of society such as religion, politics, and business being the most prominent of these. Chapter 3: A life of Morality This chapter speaks about leadership and morality and how as a people of society and the society at large all have the capability of being moral or immoral regardless of their status in life, their wealth, power, position, or education. In many cases, the chapter concludes, that often times the moral fabric of any group be it government or business often times reflects the morality or immorality of its leaders.Classic point that was given was the melt down of our financial system here in the United States. This was considered due in large part to the moral absence in the corporate banking system leadership. Much of this premise is to be considered in selecting team members and having people with common ideology when it comes to team work. Chapter 4: Yielding to Temptation This chapter talks about yielding from temptation. It talks about not so much the thought but acting upon temptations. When one yields to temptations they can fall so far from grace that it almost makes life unbearable. Temptation crosses all sectors of society; money, power, sex.Its interesting because the writer makes a point that its almost mans nature to want to control things, in his/her job, husband over wife or vice versa etc. man even tries to control nature in the universe at times. He goes on to point out that the hardest thing in nature for man to control seems to be he him self. Often times power such as in government or big business makes people feel almost invincible and unaccountable for their actions. But history has proven time and time again that not to be the case because often time they lose more that position but stature and reputation.Chapter 5: The Duty of Responsibility This chapter talks about moral responsibility. How it is virtually impossible to separate morality from responsibility because one is so closely related to the other. He suggests that the negative political and financial state our country is in today is due a lot to the fact that out leaders have ignored this very important point, were too naive or just plain arrogant. He says â€Å"The bedrock of moral responsibility is an ethical behavior of the leader and his or her adherence to the standards of right conduct. He speaks of businesses at large lacking moral responsibility and caring more about the bottom line instead of what is termed â€Å"the triple bottom line,† which entails the good of all including share holders, employees, customers, suppliers, the community, the environment and the owners of the company themselves. By taking into moral account and responsibility all of these factors will tend to make the business that much more competitive. Leaders have responsibility to lead not just in the corporate by laws but also in common decency and ethicalness.The leader and his or her subordinate have a psychological contract where by the subordinate has an unwritten understanding with the leader that he is going to led in a responsible manner. Leaders take responsibility for things that go wrong and hold themselves responsible for corrective change. All this leadership should be done with transparency and all times they should be trustworthy. This is why they are called leaders because they should be able to live up to the expectancy for which they are charged. Chapter 6: The Facade of PowerThis chapter talks about leadership and power. Some leaders use power as a tool for the betterment of the group at large while others use it for merely selfish reasons. Good power, which is kept in check, normally leads to success of an organization while the opposite can lead to organ ization demise. Power is mostly defined as an instrument to get others to do what the might not have done on their own without the influence of the leader. There are different types of leadership styles. Some use intimidation some use bribery, and while others use their attraction.It also speaks about hard power and soft power. Hard power is when people use coercion, intimidation, sanctions in its sort to get people to do what the want them to do. Often times these leaders use fear and fell that they are in complete control. All its subordinates feel they have little or no recourse. Soft power is considered the more rational approach. It is called sometimes â€Å"the second form of power. † People use more tactical and persuasiveness to get people to perform or react in a certain way. Much like a husband might to do a wife, where it is more subtle.These leaders tend to lead more by example than by command. One might say that hard power has little accountability compared to so ft power which is based largely on credibility. Chapter 7: The Pitfalls of Arrogance This chapter talks about arrogance and its pitfalls. Arrogance can be summed up as one who might think too much of himself and too little of others. This sentiment when combined with power can be overbearing at best and often times can leads to a person’s demise. There is a distinct difference yet subtle between arrogance and self confidence; the latter being good.One can have confidence in himself, which is good, but not to the point of vanity. Often times leaders who are arrogant can not relate nor do they want to relate sometimes to the feelings or opinions of the subordinates. They have too little respect for the opinions of others. Sometimes arrogance leads to micro-managing which will weaken their leadership. He gives illustrations of how arrogance brought down certain people in society such as Sam Waksal, President Bill Clinton, former governor Elliot Spitzer, and New Jersey governor J im Mcgereevy, just to name a few.All these men were considered arrogant in the way in which they went about their business; almost with a veil of invincibility. Their thoughts and actions lead to their downfall. Chapter 8: An Ounce of Humility Humility is called â€Å"a necessity for success. † Humility is the antithesis of arrogance. And by a virtue of its design will bring more good outcomes and success. So where arrogance leads to downfall, humility leads to growth. The act of humbleness dictates that one does not presume themselves more important than others nor is proud or boastful.He talks about humility in relationship to religion in history. it is the foundation of spiritual growth. Nearly all religions be Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Islam, preach that humbleness is extremely important in obtaining the richness of ones own sprit and connection with that eternal realm where one might find peace and salvation. Some cynics of humility were characterized as a sig n of weakness or false modesty just so they could feel more â€Å"special and better than others,† the author thinks not.He mentions three distinct leaders who epitomize humility: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein. Another point he makes, in the importance of humility and leadership, is our global military presence around the world dealing with so many vast cultures, almost demands the need for humility and diplomacy because we are dealing with so many different people and ways of life. Today’s business environment, more so than ever, reflects the need for people in leadership to show some humility. The key to leadership is good servitude.The benefits of humility go far beyond one individual or one entity. It affects society at large. Chapter 9: A life of Ethics This chapter addresses ethics. Ethics by some is becoming a thing of the past; in our work places and society at large. All organizations in order to have a meaningful existence hav e to work with some code of ethics. It determines what we should and should not be. It is hard to legislate ethics because it is not so easily measured in business as other areas of the company or organization such as profit. Often times, competitiveness makes leaders act contrary to hoe they should act.It talks about examples of ethics being absent in our workforce such companies as Enron, World Com, Imcone Systems, Tyco, and the like. This is caused as reactions of these companies brought to great despair and has created an environment in our business culture that recognizes the need for more ethics more so now than ever. He blames the poor economic state of our American economy to the non ethical practices of our leaders. They skirted the law in common business practices. Ethical behavior or the lack there of is mostly influenced by our surroundings, i. . : family, school, church, media or peer groups. Individuals in organizations often reflect the culture environment they are in be it upstanding and ethical. In its practices or the reverse of that, it all falls on the shoulders of the leaders of the organization because so often is they that set the tone for everyone else. It is the responsibility of the leader to make sure that his organization is conducting them self in a proper manner. One primary way to keep the environment ethical, the leader must make it a point of topic within the group.He feels that ethics is not given much thought or time in the work place, home or school. In many cases, through either ignorance or arrogance leaders allow themselves to remain unethical with little or no fear of consequence. He goes on to say, a lot of times; the practicing or non-practicing of ethics sometimes comes down to simply a matter of choice. People have blatant disregard for doing the right thing. Although ethics and morality like anything else, filters down from the top, it is actually everyone’s responsibility in the group to use moral ethics in their approach to doing business.Chapter 10: The Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins, otherwise known as â€Å"pewslag,† characterized by theologians and scholars the world over as being very influential in existence of mans and his relationship to good and evil. It is an overall thinking that pride, envy, anger, greed, lust, gluttony, and sloth effect all individuals one tine or another and cause us to act contrary to natures, mans, and God’s laws. Mahatma Gandhi recognized that there was an inner violence that mankind dealt with and external violence. The internal violence is things such as hate, anger, jealousy, greed.Gandhi viewed these seven deadly sins as internal violence. These internal violence were the catalyst behind mans external violence. External violence can be described as the physical violent assault on another such as with the use of a weapon of sort. In relationship to leadership, the leaders who showed more self-control and restrain in these are as variably, are the ones who survive and prosper. They recognize that the spiritual world and the physical world are intertwined and ultimately â€Å"we destroy ourselves because of the baggage of sins that we walk around with. The writer also, in the end of this chapter, suggests we rid ourselves of this load and â€Å"travel light. † Chapter 11: The Necessity of Teamwork The old saying â€Å"no man is an island† is very accurately describes this section. Solid teamwork is the groups’ aspiration to reach when their goal is to be great. Teamwork incorporates all the talents and skills of individuals toward one or more common objectives. Teamwork is also considered a form of energy that is created by the workings of the individuals, as one in sharing ideas and information which culminate into constructive jobs, duties, or functions.The seven deadly sins can creep its ugly head and cause bitterness or conflict within the group. Also, social-cultural and demograp hic factors can cause a breakdown of solid teamwork. The use of the word, belief of the word and the actions of the word â€Å"we,† particularly when it comes from leadership creates an atmosphere of harmony and togetherness when the goal is for the good of all. Ultimately it is the job of the leader to keep the team running as smooth as possible, not necessarily an easy task at all. Chapter 12: Putting the Team TogetherIt is the leader’s responsibility to carefully pick the members of the team and there are so many different variables to look at to determine who might be good and who might not be. Is it youth vs. age, experience vs. non experience, former educated over experience, past triumphs or failures? Or do we spend more time considering the family background of people, their hobbies, interest, their compassion for one another, carrying for other people, honesty, and integrity, willingness to put themselves last and team first? Will this individual bring harmony to the group; will they bring a sense of well being and togetherness?A leader has to consider the individuals purpose for joining the group. Is it for self gratification or gain, and if so, will this person really more help the group or hinder the group irrespective of the many talents and resources he or she might have to offer? These are all the things and more that a good leader must contemplate before taking on any new team members. Many an organization has been brought down because leaders too hastily recruited team members as opposed to carefully taking their time to consider all the above.Chapter 13: The Decline of Altruism This chapter centers on the decline of altruism. Some people will argue that altruism is a dying breed, while others say it is still prevalent everywhere even in the animal kingdom. Altruism which is ones doing good for another in an unselfish or selflessly manner, is broken down into different categories, namely two parts: reciprocal altruism and univers al altruism. The first being almost tit for tat; when one is doing something because it has been done unto them or they expect it to be done unto them in the future.The latter, being unconditional, much like in a sense of Christianity; when one is not looking for anything in return but instead merely doing it because they think it is the humane thing to do. As a consensus by many that neither society, nor any corporate team or entity can survive well without it, it being altruism. There are many different reasons why people are altruistic. Could be a sense of personal responsibility, they think it’s the right thing to do, could be during an emergency or social and cultural values.It could also be the desire to overcome guilt, or it could be because of their exposure to it through school, family, church, and community groups, what have you. Many of the problems today in our society, and the economy at large, might be considered due to the lack of altruism or minimum traits of altruism at best in our modern day leaders who failed to recognize their duty in giving to other selflessly while mitigating their own self righteousness or ego. Chapter 14: The Service of Gratitude The author starts right out by saying â€Å"the primary purpose of human existence is to serve the people of the world. This act of servitude is a very important ingredient in effective leadership. While he is leading he is actually taking on a task of servitude and selflessness. A leadership is considered the custodianship of others well being and overall success. Ultimately a leader must put his self interest secondary to the interest and good of others. Many people serve for the gratuity, what they can get out of it, their own personal agenda. The â€Å"what’s in it for me? † syndrome, but this are not and can not be construed as good leadership. This way of thinking only leads to disruption and potential downfall of any organization if that leader heads.They also sugge st that a big part of the reason for the downfall and collapse of our countries economic decline is because lack of service, both physical and otherwise. Our goods and services are being outsourced to other countries and in other cases many of our leaders don’t see their roles as â€Å"being service providers to the people. † These leaders therefore allow corruption to thrive when it should not. The importance of service is to neutralize the have’s and have not’s. It’s the balance between mans nature to overcome and take care of themselves only and those who can not do for themselves. good leader looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the group, the society or the company and tries to balance the scales to make certain that everyone gets their fare shake or piece of the pie. Good service at its best is good service at its most. Chapter 15: Blueprint for Moral Leadership In the beginning of the chapter there is much discussion about the harms and ills that American leaders have brought on our county at large and how the misuse of trust afforded the m by American people lead to one of the greatest economic down turns since the Great Depression.Leaders failed to take responsibility to any and all part that they played in creating and environment of greed and corruption neither in our government nor in our work place. It is their sense at times that only the average persons are to be held accountable for their actions or lack of. Part of the problem in our leadership[ is how we select them . often times its based on their abilities, education, organizational skills, ability to delegate, but rarely are we using a more natural guideline to choose them by, such as their character, which encompasses not only their ability but their moral consciousness.Basically we have to look beyond the structural part of leadership and more at the intangibles such as the spiritualistic side of leadership, the wholesomeness of it and the accountab ility. It has to be humanistic attributes such as being responsible, modest, courageous, honesty, and the belief in fair play; spiritual qualities such as faith in self and higher power, caring about and consideration for others, self control, devotion and such. These traits along with organizational skills when applied with proper alance form the most greatest of leadership which would ultimately equate to the greatest of success. Theory: Conflict Theory Conflict Theory studies the causes of crime within a society. For the good of the society, standards of morality are imposed by the justice system. Throughout the book the author gives reason to our economic downfall. He put the blame on the leadership in place not making correct moral, ethical and responsible decisions. One example is from chapter 8 when he speaks about major companies such as Enron and World Com who have had a major impact on our economic plummet.It also be no worthy to mention he also suggests some fault on the people who put these leaders in place to begin with. Methodology: Bibliography The author did extensive research on each key points in the book. He incorporated some of Sociologies most respected members such as Jon Witt, Richley Crapo and Robin Williams Jr. Through his research he collectively combined the various thoughts into one seamless idea of how America has been affected by poor leadership. He also used his research to find key components of how to be an effective leader by virtue of morality, humility and ethics.Strengths: I. One strength was the simplicity in which it was written. It read very easily and some how kept the same theme throughout. Enjoyable reading. II. Very informative, educational, thought provoking and diverse in its use of different references and subject matter. Weaknesses: I. One weakness might be there seems to be an overly cynical outlook of American leadership at large. II. Another might be, some chapters left you wanting for more. In other words, it is so good while you are reading you want more information on that particular topic. Conclusion:In summation good leadership must always be in harmony with servitude and have little or no tolerance for arrogance. In chapter 8, a good example of arrogance vs. humbleness is a driver who is lost. The arrogant motorist would refuse to stop and get directions and end up miles away from his destination. While the more humble motorist will stop to seek direction and be quickly put on the proper road. A leader who posses most of these characteristics such as humility, altruism, soft power, gratitude, and the like will lead to a life of success in the organization.Particularly when he possesses a moral compass that mandates he use fairness and compassion in his/her approach to leadership. This person would resist any temptation to be greedy, selfish, egotistical, maniacal or harsh. One change for the future, there will be more accountability expected from our leadership. They will be more c losely monitored, more checks and balances, much tighter regulations, more overview boards, less bureaucracy, more punitive penalties and laws will be imposed.