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Topics That You Can Write An Essay On About Biology
Monday, August 24, 2020
Environmental factors of substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ecological elements of substance misuse - Essay Example Be that as it may, tragically, this alleviation in torment is just impermanent and over the long haul the propensity develops the feeling of misery and agony than at any other time. In this specific situation, all people who were raised in useless family conditions are defenseless to dependence. Henceforth, the main natural factor is the broken group of the individual. On account of Ellis, we discover that his dad use to get back alcoholic and beat up Ellis’ mother or once in a while Ellis himself. This is a telling indication of disorder in the family and this is a huge natural factor that prompts Ellis’s dependence on Heroin. The way that Ellis began exploring different avenues regarding liquor and pot even before arriving at his adolescents is a solid marker that he will have issues in his grown-up life. What's more, sufficiently certain, a few years after the passing of his dad, his old propensities had come to frequent him, this time as heroin dependence. It is a repetitive example with most heroin addicts that they search out medications from the get-go throughout everyday life. Late research recommends that nearby natural variables, hereditary factors likewise have a task to carry out. However, the agreement among specialists is that social and natural components are a higher priority than hereditary factors in deciding the helplessness of a person to capitulate to substance fixation. Specialists likewise agree on the view that those with hereditary inclination to tranquilize misuse and experiencing childhood in a useless family condition run a high danger of fixation. It was likewise discovered that individuals living in vicious and rebellious neighborhoods have a more prominent possibility of heroin fixation. This certainly implies the financial status is a solid natural factor in evaluating hazard for heroin misuse. The remedial ways to deal with rewarding heroin fixation have demonstrated very fruitful. Since the addicts built up their dependence because of defective originations of blame, reward and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critique a professional journal article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evaluate an expert diary article - Essay Example It is even basic for instructive foundations who are managing understudies experiencing the turmoil of mental imbalance. It is even valuable for guardians who need to guarantee that their youngsters are liberated from this broadly spread issue (Konkel, 2014). The article refers to an examination which demonstrates a relationship between's mental imbalance experienced by youngsters who live close to the fields that are being treated by pesticides. There have been no past investigations that attention on these two factors together (Konkel, 2014). This article can be a beginning stage for scientists to recognize whether there is a causal connection between kids encountering chemical imbalance and living close to handle that are being treated with pesticides. The article can even be very valuable for guardians who live close to such fields. In the event that moms who live close to such fields read this article, they may decided to migrate so as to guarantee that their youngsters don't wind up experiencing this issue. The article can be an eye opener for the administration to pay heed and execute important activities to diminish the quantity of youngsters experiencing this issue. Consistently different instructors go over understudies who are experiencing the turmoil of chemical imbalance. These kids need extraordinary thought from their instructors. Educators need to effectively partake in guaranteeing that these kids are sheltered from chance factors that can additionally exacerbate the conditions for such kids. As a specialized curriculum educator an instructor needs to guarantee that the youngsters who have just built up the confusion stay away from the condition that represents a danger to kids experiencing this issue. Educators can even instruct guardians of such kids with respect to steps they can take to guarantee the prosperity of their youngster. Instructors can educate the guardians about the danger and can exhort migration. They can even advise pregnant ladies to migrate for the wellbeing of their unborn kid. Since this is an absolute first investigation led on the factors, it is very
Saturday, July 25, 2020
How to Find a Good Tutor Online
How to Find a Good Tutor Online Finding a Good Tutor Online That Will Help You Get Ahead Finding a Good Tutor Online That Will Help You Get Ahead Figuring out how to find a good tutor online takes more than just a quick Google search. In fact, a search can bring up a variety of results, making it seem impossible to tell which service will be the best match for you and your needs. You want to be able to find someone you can trust to make sure that they can help you get to where you need to be, so you don’t want just anyone to be your tutor. Here are some of the things you should look for before you sign up for online tutoring sessions. First and Foremost, Know What You Want It will help narrow down your search if you plan out exactly what goals you’re trying to achieve. It’s one thing to say that you need help studying Shakespeare, but it’s another thing to figure out exactly why you can’t quite catch the grasp of those Elizabethan phrases. Is it because you don’t understand iambic pentameter, or is there a deeper issue at play? Once you ask yourself those tough questions you’ll know what kind of tutor you’re looking for. Look at Their Background and Education This might be obvious to you, but a good online tutor should be properly trained and have a good education, particularly in the subject they are helping you with. You want to be sure that the person you’re relying on for academic success can actually assist you in achieving that. All of our writers at Homework Help Global are highly educated and experienced, with a multitude of different degrees from all across the globe. Read Testimonials and Reviews If you read testimonials and reviews it will help you figure out if you’ve found someone who can really help you. Listening to what their previous clients have to say is a great way to get an accurate idea of what your tutor is going to be like once you start sessions with them. However, if your potential tutor doesn’t have any great reviews posted, take caution before you proceed. Your Search for a Great Online Tutor Stops Here Homework Help Global provides online tutoring services in a variety of subject areas, from ESL training to math homework support. We are dedicated to helping you reach your full potential during your time in school, no matter what level of study you’re in, and all of our tutors go above and beyond for their students. Get a quote for online tutoring services now to take that next step toward a better academic future. References: Bahsoun, P. (n.d.) How to find a tutor online. Retrieved from . How to Find a Good Tutor Online Finding a Good Tutor Online That Will Help You Get Ahead Finding a Good Tutor Online That Will Help You Get Ahead Figuring out how to find a good tutor online takes more than just a quick Google search. In fact, a search can bring up a variety of results, making it seem impossible to tell which service will be the best match for you and your needs. You want to be able to find someone you can trust to make sure that they can help you get to where you need to be, so you don’t want just anyone to be your tutor. Here are some of the things you should look for before you sign up for online tutoring sessions. First and Foremost, Know What You Want It will help narrow down your search if you plan out exactly what goals you’re trying to achieve. It’s one thing to say that you need help studying Shakespeare, but it’s another thing to figure out exactly why you can’t quite catch the grasp of those Elizabethan phrases. Is it because you don’t understand iambic pentameter, or is there a deeper issue at play? Once you ask yourself those tough questions you’ll know what kind of tutor you’re looking for. Look at Their Background and Education This might be obvious to you, but a good online tutor should be properly trained and have a good education, particularly in the subject they are helping you with. You want to be sure that the person you’re relying on for academic success can actually assist you in achieving that. All of our writers at Homework Help Global are highly educated and experienced, with a multitude of different degrees from all across the globe. Read Testimonials and Reviews If you read testimonials and reviews it will help you figure out if you’ve found someone who can really help you. Listening to what their previous clients have to say is a great way to get an accurate idea of what your tutor is going to be like once you start sessions with them. However, if your potential tutor doesn’t have any great reviews posted, take caution before you proceed. Your Search for a Great Online Tutor Stops Here Homework Help Global provides online tutoring services in a variety of subject areas, from ESL training to math homework support. We are dedicated to helping you reach your full potential during your time in school, no matter what level of study you’re in, and all of our tutors go above and beyond for their students. Get a quote for online tutoring services now to take that next step toward a better academic future. References: Bahsoun, P. (n.d.) How to find a tutor online. Retrieved from .
Friday, May 22, 2020
ADHD Entrepreneurs - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 703 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: ADHD essay Did you like this example? There is a lot of evidence to point towards a link between ADHD and entrepreneurship. The scientific article I picked is called Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) And Entrepeneurship by Kevin M. Antshel of Syracuse University. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "ADHD Entrepreneurs" essay for you Create order Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition in which a person is very inattentive, hyperactivate, and even impulsive. The first symptoms are usually seen before age 12 and cannot be explained by any other condition. While ADHD was always thought to only affect children (Hill Schooner, 1996), within the past 25 years evidence has been collected suggesting that ADHD often continues into adulthood (Biederman, Petty, Evans, Small, Faraone, 2010; Mannuzza, Klein, Moulton, 2003). Several empirical papers have reported a link with qualities of ADHD and qualities of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are the people who venture to create and develop businesses. There are many successful entrepreneurs with ADHD such as Paul Orfalea with Kinkos, David Neeleman with JetBlue, and Ingvar Kamprad with Ikea. In fact, there is data to show that having ADHD can help with entrepreneurship. People with ADHD are usually more goal oriented, responsible, respectful, and self-dire cted. These are very good traits to have if you want to be successful as self-employed. However, ADHD come with many lack of traits such as good sustained attention, response inhibition, and working memory. On the downside, childhood ADHD costs the society 50-60 billion dollars a year in the United states which is making it a public health issue (Pelham, Foster, Robb, 2007). Yet this condition is quite abundant in the world of entrepreneurship. A study conducted by Dimic and Orlov (2014) took 270 adults, some with and some without ADHD through a rehabilitation support center that was not specifically for ADHD. They were seeking to find patterns in participants ADHD and marketing qualities. The experiment was conducted in 1991 and the participants where given the General Enterprising Tendency (GET) test (Caird, 1991). The (GET) is used to measure a persons own personal desire for autonomy, independence, and achievement. It also tests their attitude to moderate risk taking and their creativity. Demographic differences did emerge in the group with ADHD. The entrepreneurs that had ADHD were a lot less likely to have a college education than non-entrepreneurs with ADHD. Also, those who were diagnosed with ADHD had a 30% increase in probability of being an entrepreneur. This was especially strong in males with ADHD. The ADHD group scored higher levels with the (GET) dimensions in categories like personal desire for autonomy, inde pendence, achievements, moderate risk taking, and their creativity. The group without ADHD scored higher levels on the (GET) drive and determination subscale. The conductors/authors of the study concluded that ADHD should not be understood as a disturbance in society, but as an affliction that could offer a rich source of people suited for entrepreneurship (Dimic Orlov, 2014, p. 193). This study was cross-sectional and found that ADHD was directly associated with increased odds of being an entrepreneur. However, they found that non-entrepreneurs with ADHD were a lot more likely to have a college education than entrepreneurs with ADHD. That suggests that people with ADHD that have a college education could end up turning to entrepreneurship because they have less other employment options. I think that the data from the experiments research is fascinating because I have ADHD and have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I do agree with the studys conclusion in that people with ADHD have many qualities of entrepreneurship. I think that ADHD should stop being looked at as a setback but possibly an advantage. The world will always need entrepreneurs and people with ADHD are like naturals to perform an entrepreneurs tasks. I sometimes cannot pay attention but I have some very creative ideas. This is a setback now in school but I think I can use this to my advantage in my later stages of life. I think the tests are good because they first looked at favorable qualities in entrepreneurs and then tried to match them with people with ADHD. Anyone with ADHD that is struggling to find a career should see if entrepreneurship is something they might aspire to do. This article has helped me realize that I need to use my ADHD to my advantage and try and work through the setbacks.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Why was the war of 1812 favored by the South and West and...
Why was the war of 1812 favored by the south and west and opposed by New England? The War of 1812 is one of the most complex wars of the United States. The war lasted for over two years, and while it ended as it had started, in stalemate, it was in fact a war that once and for all confirmed American Independence. The United States declared War on Great Britain on June 12, 1812. The war was declared as a result of long simmering disputes with Great Britian. The central dispute was based on the impressing of American soldiers by the British. The British had previously attacked the USS Chesapeake and nearly caused a war two year earlier (Horsman, 1-4). In addition, disputes continued with Great Britain over the Northwest Territories and the†¦show more content†¦In October 1814, the Massachusetts legislature issued a call to the other New England states for a conference. Representatives were sent by the state legislatures of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Other delegates from New Hampshire and Vermont were popularly chosen by the Federalists (H orsman, 1-4). The meetings were held in secret. The moderates prevailed in the convention. The proposal to secede from the Union was
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Financial Institutions in Financial Markets Free Essays
A financial institution is an institution that issues deposits and other financial liabilities and invests predominantly in loans and other financial assets (Kidwell, Blackwell, Whidbee, p. 636, 2008). Financial institutions include organizations such as banks, trust companies, insurance organization, pension, and mutual funds, and investment dealers or banks. We will write a custom essay sample on Financial Institutions in Financial Markets or any similar topic only for you Order Now In some shape or form individuals and corporations deal with a financial institution on a daily. Depositing money, taking out loans, currency exchange, or investing one has to go through a financial institution. There are several financial institutions three of the major financial institutions and the role they play in the financial market will be discussed in detail. Commercial Banks This is a bank that accepts deposits and makes consumers, commercial, and real estate loans (Saunders, Cornett, p. 29, 2008). The largest groups of depository institutions that are measured by asset size are commercial banks. Commercial banks have similar functions as savings institutions and credit unions. The three accept deposits (Liabilities) and make loans (assets). The difference is in the arrangement of assets and liabilities, which are much more diverse. To meet the interest obligations to deposit, commercial banks carefully invest the assets in addition to extending loans to business and individuals. Enterprises of small and medium sized businesses are the greatest potential customers of the commercial banking area. Commercial banking has less influence over larger corporations there is a possibility for corporations to influence consumer behavior through the financial products offered. The role of commercial banks in the financial institution is essential because it offers a wide assortment of deposit accounts and serves both the public and private sector. Commercial banks are dominant depository institutions. Insurance Organization The primary function of insurance companies is to protect individuals and corporations from adverse events. In the financial institution, the insurance companies invest in financial securities, such as corporate bonds and stocks with the premiums collected. By accepting these premiums, insurance companies promise policyholders reimbursement if certain specified events occur. The importance of the insurance company in the role of financial institution is one that cannot be overlooked. It protects people and companies from the financial consequences of events whose risks are actuarially determinable. The financial health of the insurance company is the single most important purchase criterion; because an insurance contract is a promise by the insurance company to pay the insured if an event occurs. Investment Banks The possibility of the investment bank depends on the influence the investment bank has over the business. This type of financial institution specializes in the sale of new securities to the public or otherwise known as underwriter. Investment banking has the appeal of allowing one to make a large amount of money. The specialty is helping businesses and governments sell debt or equity in the primary markets to finance capital expenses. Restrictions are few on the range of activities in which investment banks can engage in. The one concern is the role of the financial institution between environmental performance and investment performance. Investment bankers study the market of the securities as well as maintaining relationship that provides a full range of the firm’s services to government agencies or corporate clients looking to raise capital. This requires creative thinking and the ability to leverage other product areas in the organization. The three financial institutions act as intermediaries between the net providers and borrowers of funds. The financial institutions specialize in varying types of financial assets and services and most of them are acquired through the market and organize them into a different and more widely preferable type of asset. Commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies facilitate the efficiency and growth of the economy as well as trading of existing securities. The major players in the financial market are very important to the financial market. In conclusion financial institutions create financial assets for customers and sell the assets to other markets for a profit. The functioning of these institutions is very important for an effective financial market and for the conduct of monetary policies. Commercial banks, insurance organizations, and investment banks have been explained separately and how each interacts with each other. How to cite Financial Institutions in Financial Markets, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Language Of The Court Essays - Legal Professions, Law, Evidence Law
Language Of The Court The courtroom provides an institutionalized setting where social justice is negotiated through the questioning of witnesses. Nearly every turn-to-talk of the counsel contains a question and every turn-to-talk of the witness may or may not supply the information requested. Therefore, in order to get the relevant information from the witness and aiming at getting the information that in flavor to their clients. The counsel uses a variety of questioning techniques which will help them to win the case. On the other side, the language used by interpreters, witnesses and magistrate is rather different to the lawyers because they are supposed to be neutral and only responsible to tell the truth. The language used by lawyers Persuasive Aiming at getting trust from the jury, the lawyers language has to be persuasive, or at least sounds to be persuasive. They have to provide evidences to prove their client is innocent or to prosecute someone. Well organized The questions raised by the solicitors are well organized and there is certain degree of linkage between questions. Their questions try to lead the witness into the right track and to give the relevant information that is in flavor to his client. Clear instruction and use of coercive question forms Lawyers also tend to give very clear instruction to witness on what they want him/her to do. For example, lawyers tend to say you only have to answer yes or no on this question, I want u to listen very carefully on what I am going to say now very often in the case we heard. On one hand, it gives clear instruction to the witness; on the other hand, it also achieves the purpose of coerciveness. Using plain and simple language Since the patient in the courtroom is not a legal professional, in the case we heard, the patient is only a 16 years old girl, therefore, jargon are rarely heard in the counsel-witness examination. The language is simple and plain in order to ensure the witness can understand what does the counselor want to know and in turn to provide relevant information. The language used by the interpreter The interpreter's style of interpreting is usually narrative and accessible to the defendant. The language used by the magistrate The language used by the magistrate is strong and clear. In order to show the dignity of the magistrate, the language used by him/her is firm and powerful. In the case we heard, we cant analysis the language features on how the magistrate giving ratio decidendi because its still at the earlier stage of the trial. However, we still can discover some of those features by looking at an interesting incident happened in the case we heard. It happened during D1s lawyer had made some mistakes in the turn of his questioning section. D3s lawyer tried to help him out on clarify and correct the mistakes that D1s lawyer had made to the magistrate without standing up. The magistrate pointed to him and said, Stand up before you want to say anything. He was so embarrassed and apologized to the magistrate immediately. I think, this can be an example on showing how the magistrate use simple and strong languages to show his dignity. The role of the interpreter The role of the interpreter is to facilitate communication between the two contesting parties as a neutral party; she/he is a very important person who keeps the trial running smoothly. In the case we heard, the participants of the case are Chinese and whose mother tongue is Cantonese. However, all the procedures taken in the court was conducted in English, therefore a interpreter is needed in that case, the interpreters role is to translate the questions and instructions given by the solicitor, the prosecutor and the magistrate into Cantonese verbally to the witness. Also, to translate the information given by the witness from Cantonese into English verbally to the people in the courtroom. Interpret solicitors and the magistrates questions and instructions Under certain situation, the interpreter may add information to the source language in order to make the target listener has better understandings on the question or instruction. There was one example that appeared in the case we heard, when the solicitor asked whether D3 had hugged with Fat Fat , the answer provided
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